
Letter to the editors in Psychological Science published

Letter to the editors in Psychological Science published

Nov 25, 20211 min read

The PsySci team recently wrote a letter to the editors of Psychological Science, commenting on research documenting the effects of scientific consensus identification on false beliefs about science. We make…

26. November, 15:00: Trustworthy science in the public domain

26. November, 15:00: Trustworthy science in the public domain

Nov 16, 20211 min read

Don´t miss this expert meeting on the impact of Covid-19 on science, researchers and trust in science! Bastiaan will be part of the expert panel, next to a.o. Hedwig te…

Paper about the ideology gap in climate change scepticism out now!

Paper about the ideology gap in climate change scepticism out now!

Nov 4, 20211 min read

Temporal distance and consideration of future consequences shape the connection between ideology and climate change scepticism. In our new paper we compared liberals and conservatives and their considerations towards future…

New paper about linguistic labels and the perception of ethnic minorities.

New paper about linguistic labels and the perception of ethnic minorities.

Nov 4, 20211 min read

Can linguistic labels change the way in which people perceive ethnic minorities? Vukašin and Bojana published a new paper in IJIR about the ethnic minority of the Romani in Serbia…

Special issue of GPIR on anti-science beliefs available now!

Special issue of GPIR on anti-science beliefs available now!

May 31, 20211 min read

Bastiaan edited a special issue of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations on anti-science beliefs and endorsement of alternative facts. The special issue was just published and can be found here:…